Passive Fire Systems

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Passive Fire Protection

Passive fire protection is integral to any business owner or landlord that wants to prioritise the safety of people by protecting escape routes, as well as safeguarding the structure of the building and the contents inside. Passive fire solutions are designed to resist the initial ignition of the fire and limit the spread of flames and smoke throughout the building in question.

Expert Team

Gemini AMPM has an expert team of qualified and accredited engineers able to advise and provide a full suite of passive fire protection measures

Fire Doors

Fire doors are specialized doors that are designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke. They are typically made of a solid material such as steel, wood, or aluminum that is coated with a fire-resistant material such as gypsum or fireboard. Fire doors are designed to resist the passage of flames and smoke for a specified amount of time, allowing occupants to escape safely. Fire doors are installed in walls and ceilings and are connected to an automatic fire detection system. They are also required to have door closers and self-closing devices to ensure that the door closes properly when a fire is detected.

Compartmentation and Fire Stopping

Fire compartmentation is a building design strategy that divides a building into different compartments, or fire-resistant enclosures, that are designed to contain a fire and limit its spread. This is done by using fire-resistant walls and doors, as well as smoke-resistant walls and ceilings. Fire compartmentation is used in all types of buildings, from homes to high-rises, and is a key component in fire safety plans.

Fire stopping is the process of using materials such as fire-rated boards, sealants, and caulks to prevent the spread of fire, smoke, and toxic gases through a building. Fire stopping is used in walls and floors to create fire-resistant barriers between rooms and floors, and between buildings. Fire stopping is also used around pipes, cables, and other penetrations that pass through fire-rated walls and floors.


Fire safety signage is signage that is used to provide information about the potential dangers of fire, as well as instructions on how to safely evacuate a building or area in the event of a fire. Generally, fire safety signage is made up of symbols, such as the universally recognized flame symbol, or text and images. Examples of fire safety signage include exit signs, fire extinguisher signs, and smoke detector signs.

Risk Assessment

A fire risk assessment is a systematic evaluation of a property or space to identify potential fire hazards and the steps that need to be taken to reduce the risk of a fire occurring. The assessment looks at factors such as occupancy levels, fire safety equipment, and building layout to identify risks. The aim of a fire risk assessment is to reduce the risk of a fire occurring and to ensure that the occupants of the property can safely evacuate in the event of a fire.
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Fire Barriers

A fire barrier is a physical structure designed to limit the spread of fire and smoke. Fire barriers are typically constructed of materials that are fire-resistant, such as steel or concrete, and are designed to prevent the passage of heat and flames. Fire barriers are used to compartmentalize a building, providing a physical barrier between different areas in order to limit the spread of fire and smoke. Fire barriers may also be used to contain smoke and fumes, helping to reduce the risk of asphyxiation.

Get In Touch With Us

As specialist installers, protecting people from risk sits at the very heart of what we do. We understand that great installations need great maintenance to remain at optimal performance, therefore, we help businesses to maximise the performance and longevity of all life safety systems and installations. Contact us now.